Westsyde Fellowship Church
WestsydePlaces of Worship
2833 Westsyde Rd, Kamloops, BC V2B 7E1, Canada
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“We exist to encourage His people to live out the Word of God and provide service for Christ and community.”
Nestled in a growing residential community, Westsyde Fellowship has been reaching out to Kamloops since it began as a church plant of the Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in the early 1980’s. Pastor Don and his wife, Annette, have been serving our congregation since April 2009. God’s hand is on us and we are seeking to follow His Will.
Our Vision: Westsyde Fellowship Baptist Church will be a healthy, growing, dynamic church inspired to share the life changing grace of God in our community. As radically committed, growing followers of Jesus, we will passionately pursue the Glory of God focusing first on the lost and intentionally growing beyond our facility’s limitations.
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