Kamloops.me is Made of People

Many different types of people call Kamloops home

Coming together as one makes for a better stronger community
for everyone. Take some time to create your own profile and let
everyone know who you are

Your Profile

Create your own profile to share with others. Add information about yourself and links to your websites and social profiles


Creative Profiles

Showcase your talent and creative work with others. Let’s show everyone that Kamloops has a creative community.


View Profiles

Learn more about the people in Kamloops by viewing their profiles. Find out who lives right around the corner from you.


The Spotlight

The Spotlight highlights people in the community that are making a difference and making a better Kamloops.


Member Blogs

Some interested members post their blogs to Kamloops.me. If you’re interested in having your own, please contact the admin.


Activity Stream

See what other people are doing on Kamloops.me with the activity stream. See what’s hot and what’s going on at a glance.
