A Letter to the Prime Minister from Pierre Poilievre
27 November 2024
Right Hon. Justin Trudeau P.C., M.P. Prime Minister of Canada
80 Wellington Street
Ottawa, ON K1A 0A2
Dear Prime Minister Trudeau,
The events we witnessed on the streets of Montreal were appalling. Acts of antisemitism, intimidation, and violence must always be condemned. Yet, we must confront an uncomfortable truth: these events are not isolated. They are the result of a Canada that has been fractured by nearly a decade of your leadership.
We are reaping what you sowed.
This is what happens when a Prime Minister spends nine years pushing toxic woke identity politics, dividing and subdividing people by race, gender, vaccine status, religion, region, age, wealth, and more.
On top of driving people apart, you systematically break what used to bring us together, declaring Canada a “post-national state” with “no core identity.”
You erased our veterans and military, the Famous Five, and even Terry Fox from our passport, replacing them with meaningless squirrels, snowflakes, and a drawing of yourself swimming as a boy.
You opened the borders to terrorists and lawbreakers and called anyone who questioned it racist.
You send out your MPs to say one thing in a mosque and the opposite in a synagogue, one thing in a mandir and the opposite in a gurdwara.
You have made Canada a playground for foreign interference. You allowed Iran’s IRGC terrorists to legally operate here for four years after they murdered 55 of our citizens in a major unprovoked attack.
You passed laws that release rampant offenders from prison within hours of their 80th arrest.
And what is the result? Assassinations on Canadian soil, firebombings of synagogues, extremist violence against mandirs and gurdwaras, over 100 churches burned or vandalized (with barely any condemnation from you), all for a total 251% more hate crime.
And, while you were dancing, Montreal was burning.
We won’t let you divide us anymore. Call an election now.
We will fire you and reclaim our citizenship, our values, our lives, our freedom, and, most of all, our country.
Hon. Pierre Poilievre, MP Leader of the Official Opposition
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