NDP MLAs say investment in tourism projects in Kootenays will boost local economy
NELSON – New Democrat MLAs Brittny Anderson and Katrine Conroy say the provincial government’s support for tourism projects in the Kootenays will bring more visitors to the community and strengthen the local economy.
“The recent visit from a family of grizzlies in Nelson was a reminder of the importance of bear safety for visitors and residents alike,” said Brittny Anderson, MLA for Nelson-Creston. “I’m grateful that Kootenay Lake Tourism is showing leadership by installing bear-safe garbage containers, so that people can explore our region responsibly.”
In the Kootenays, the following projects are receiving funding:
- Nelson Kootenay Lake Tourism Society – The installation of 54 bear safe garbage containers throughout the region. $287,500
- Nelson Cycling Club Society – Smallwood Recreation Sites and Trails network. NCC is proposing a purpose-built, low angle up track and two new descent options. $65,000
- Nakusp & Area Bike Society – Development of a new beginner and adaptive mountain bike trail which will increase the year-round accessibility for riders of all abilities. $359,975
“Many people come to this region to take advantage of spectacular mountain biking trails,” said Katrine Conroy, MLA for Kootenay West. “This project will increase year-round accessibility for riders of all abilities, which is great news for riders, the local economies, and our tourism industry.”
Across the province thirty-one projects are benefitting from one-time Destination Development grant funding, which aims to make communities competitive destinations for tourism and strengthen local economies. Since 2022, the province has invested $60m in the Fund, to help continue to rebuild tourism levels to pre-2020 numbers by 2024. In its first year, the Fund supported 90 projects in B.C. communities.
These projects have been selected for funding as they demonstrate tourism benefits to communities, including sustainability, accessibility, and economic benefit. These projects are future-thinking, and will support communities for years to come, supporting the Province’s CleanBC Plan and Climate Preparedness Adaptation Strategy.
Learn more and find a list of projects at: https://news.gov.bc.ca/29742