Bill Sundhu

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Bill Sundhu is a Canadian lawyer and former judge with more than 30 years of experience in the courts of justice.

His current practice includes trial and appellate advocacy in criminal justice, human rights and civil liberties. Bill has broad legal experience that includes criminal justice, family law, child and youth law, indigenous rights, police misconduct and wrongful deaths, non-discrimination, access to justice, law reform and legislation, professional legal responsibility, and judicial independence and administration.

He is a regular speaker, lecturer and media commentator on human rights, justice, diversity, equality and international legal issues. He has extensive knowledge of the Canadian justice system and international human rights law, with particular interest in international criminal law.

Bill has three university degrees, including a Masters degree in International Human Rights Law from Oxford University. He practices in Canadian and International Law.

His work is recognized by appointment to the List of Counsel for the International Criminal Court in the Hague (war crimes, genocide, crimes against humanity) and selection to a panel of international experts to train judges in Tunisia, in 2013-14 in human rights and administration of justice. He has served an extensive term as an Executive Member of the Canadian Bar Association National Criminal Law Subsection.

Bill is a founding member of the BC Association of Multicultural Societies and is an advocate for equality and diversity. He and his family have made Kamloops, British Columbia, their home for the past 20 years.

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My Blog Posts

There is no Peace without Justice! »

There is no Peace without Justice! »

Posted on May 14, 2022 at 6:10 pm

If you don't have $20 million, relax. A wealth tax won't hurt you. »

If you don’t have $20 million, relax. A wealth tax won’t hurt you. »

Posted on April 18, 2021 at 12:43 pm

My Comments Regarding Cultural Genocide in China

Posted on February 26, 2021 at 11:02 am

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