My Social Links
Howdy, I've lived in Kamloops for most of my life with brief stints in Toronto and Vancouver.
I've been married to my first wife Tracy for a lot of years. I have two adult kids, two cats, and two tiny dogs.
My favorite food is potatoes. I also like cheese and especially cheese on potatoes.
I'm a Journeyman Electrician as well as a Computer Systems and Electronics Technician.
I've worked across Canada as an electrician in places like car manufacturing plants in Ontario, hydroelectric dams, substations, mines, etc.
As a Computer Systems and Electronics Technician I've worked designing and overseeing the implementation of the building security and control systems (BSCS) for our provincial correctional facilities.
I also dabble a bit in website creation and management. No, I will not make you a website.
My Status Updates
I've been doing some updates to the Status Updates feature. Streamlining things and making it easier to share each update on the social medias

The First Snow in Kamloops Means a Visit from Snowman Dan
Woohoo, I'm pretty happy with how the Creative Profiles work now. If you're creative profile is for a group, you can even associate other profiles with that creative listing. Example: If you had a rock band, you could create a creative listing for the band, then associate each member's profile with their position (drummer, geetar, etc). Each member much have a basic profile for this to work though, otherwise there would be nothing to associate
Darloso Amtigadon
I'm almost finished replacing the presentation layer of the website.
What does that mean to you? Nothing, absolutely nothing, everything should look the same
I think the big focus now should be on tweaking the Creative area of the website that helps local creative people promote what they do to the community.
Kamloops Storm vs Osooyos Coyotes. 1 - 0 for the Storm at the end of the 1st

Winter is coming
Had a great meal at Papa G's
Check out this photo of Full Moon Drum Circle on #Yelp https://t.co/5IHUU1w9zY
— Papa G (@PapaG) October 7, 2017
My Blog Posts

How will Trump’s Win Affect People in Kamloops?
Posted on November 6, 2024 at 11:35 am
Is the BC NDP Ignoring the Interior?
Posted on October 29, 2024 at 3:32 pm
Is Privatization the Best Path Forward?
Posted on October 25, 2024 at 12:36 pmView All Posts