Labour Day 2024 in McDonald Park
Mon September 2, 202410:00 am – 2:00 pm
McDonald Park (McDonald Park, McDonald Avenue, Kamloops, BC, Canada)
Community, Food/Drink, Fundraiser, In the Park, Special Day/Holiday
Visit website for more information
The Kamloops & District Labour Council is pleased to once again be hosting the Kamloops Labour Day Picnic in McDonald Park.
This year we’ll be featuring music entertainment by the Dave Coalmine Band
IBEW 993 will again be cooking up the burgers and dogs with all money raised going to the Kamloops Food Bank.
KDLC affiliates will be setting up tables and booths with fun information and SWAG
Be entertained with family fun activities by FunZone
Meet and take your photo with players from the Kamloops Storm Hockey team
Incredible face painting by Denise
Fun and balloon animals by Sancho the Clown
There’s going to be fun for the whole family and changes to win prices and lots of free giveaways.

About McDonald Park
Click for more information and events for McDonald Park
McDonald Park is located between MacDonald Avenue, Royal Avenue, Parks Street, and King Street in North Kamloops. There’s a large open field for sports, a small water park, and an excellent playground for the small children.