Raw notes from Canada’s leader of the opposition Andrew Scheer at FCM 2919
by Arjun Singh
Raw notes from Canada’s leader of the opposition Andrew Scheer at FCM 2919
(Not necessarily comprehensive)
.- helping Cdns get ahead, not just get by
– FCM very important
– less than 13% of infrastructure funds have gone out under Liberals
– infrastructure program not well managed
– unplanned and unmanaged deficits . Conservatives will get this fixed
– will work with provinces AND municipalities
– invest in programs that actually are infrastructure
– will release soon the most comprehensive climate action / environment plan ever by an opposition party
– conservatives will scrap carbon tax, which does not work, is autocratic and unjust, and costs more
– stress test impacting affordability of housing
– need more homes at lower prices
– reduce regulations on builders
– opoid crisis must be addressed in two manifestations, health and public safety
– Canada must stop fentanyl imports from China
– crack down on gangs, gun laws that don’t target law abiding people. Will also focus on those with mental health issues.
– won’t put more laws on those who follow the laws
– municipal lens will be taken into account into decisions
– decentralized decision making, not Ottawa knows best
– will secure rural broadband .
– pm engaging in fear campaign
– govt living within its means
– runaway deficits not good for future decision-making
– many conservative candidates come from local govt
– local govt are vital partners to achieve Federal objectives
Arjun Singh

Arjun is a trained facilitator and is currently co-chair of the Canadian Community for Dialogue and Deliberation.
Arjun was born and raised in Kamloops. His parents, Dr Gur and Mrs Manju Singh, immigrated to Canada from India in the 1960s. He previously served on council from 2005-2008. He has a MA in Professional Communication from Royal Roads University and a Certificate in Dialogue, Deliberation, and Public Engagement from Fielding Graduate University.
Arjun welcomes your questions or feedback on any community issue or initiative.
Since 2005, he has written a blog for Kamloops citizens and people interested in Kamloops – www.yourkamloops.com.
You can also find Arjun on twitter at @yourkamloops or @arjunsingh.
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