Green Party Demands Urgent Action on Canada Disability Benefit, Advocates for Strengthened Regulations

September 25, 2024 at 7:58 am  Federal, Politics

OTTAWA – Four years ago, on September 23, 2020, the federal government made a bold promise to introduce a “new Canadian Disability Benefit modelled after the Guaranteed Income Supplement.” This program was meant to lift hundreds of thousands of Canadians with disabilities out of poverty by providing much-needed financial support. Despite numerous assurances, the federal government has continually delayed delivering on this crucial promise, further breaking the trust of people with disabilities across the country. 

The recently proposed Regulations for the Canada Disability Benefit, published for public consultation on June 29, 2024, have drawn significant criticism from the disability community. Rather than meeting the needs of Canadians with disabilities, the proposed regulations fall short in almost every way, leaving many wondering when the promised support will finally materialize.

“Four years have passed since this government promised a life-changing benefit for people with disabilities, yet every step forward seems to come with more caveats and delays,” said Green Party Leader Elizabeth May. “The regulations, as they stand, are inadequate. We cannot continue to fail the very people this benefit is meant to support. The time for half-measures has long passed—Canadians with disabilities deserve a benefit that meets their needs, lifts them out of poverty, and is easily accessible to all.”

MP Mike Morrice, who has been a vocal advocate for disability rights, echoed the concerns of the disability community and emphasized the importance of fast-tracking the benefit. “In my conversations with people with disabilities across the country, I’ve heard time and time again how they feel abandoned by this government,” said Morrice. “These are not just policy discussions—these are lives at stake. Every delay leaves people in poverty, struggling with the costs of living with a disability. We must listen to their voices and act now.”

Recommendations for Strengthening the Canada Disability Benefit Regulations

Working closely with organizations such as Extend-a-Family Waterloo Region, Disability Without Poverty, and Inclusion Canada, as well as input from disability advocates across the country, the Green Party is pushing for several critical amendments to the proposed regulations. These recommendations are also reflected in petitions sponsored by MP Mike Morrice, including petitions e-4993, e-4777, and e-4667, signed by thousands of Canadians.

The key recommendations for improving the Canada Disability Benefit include:

  • Remove Barriers to Application: Automatically enroll recipients of provincial and territorial disability support programs in the Canada Disability Benefit and remove the requirement for applicants to hold a Disability Tax Credit certificate.
  • Streamline the Application Process: Replace the proposed second application process with a simple opt-out option for individuals who do not wish to receive the benefit. This will simplify the process and make it easier for those who need the benefit most.
  • Income Testing for Dignity and Independence: Means-test the benefit against the individual applicant’s income alone, ensuring that people with disabilities can maintain their independence and dignity without being penalized for their household income.
  • Increase the Maximum Benefit: Ensure that the maximum amount of the Canada Disability Benefit lifts people with disabilities above the poverty line, taking into account the added costs of living with a disability.
  • Raise the Income Threshold: Adjust the income threshold to an amount above the poverty line, reflecting the increased costs of living with a disability.
  • Fast-Track Implementation: Expedite the rollout of the Canada Disability Benefit so that people with disabilities can receive much-needed financial relief without further delay.
  • Issue Retroactive Payments: Provide retroactive payments dating back to when the Canada Disability Benefit Act received Royal Assent in June 2023.

“These recommendations are not just bureaucratic changes—they are essential to ensuring that the Canada Disability Benefit achieves what it was promised to do,” said Mike Morrice. “We need a benefit that lifts people with disabilities out of poverty and respects their independence and dignity. The government must act on these recommendations and make this benefit work for the people who need it most.”

As the government continues to consult on the proposed regulations, the Green Party is urging it to listen to the voices of people with disabilities and the organizations that serve them. The Canada Disability Benefit must be more than just a promise—it must be a reality that delivers financial security to people with disabilities, without unnecessary barriers and delays.

“People with disabilities have waited long enough,” concluded Elizabeth May. “The government must keep its promise, remove the barriers, and deliver a Canada Disability Benefit that truly changes lives now.”

 Submission on the proposed Regulations for the Canada Disability Benefit


For more information or to arrange an interview : 

Fabrice Lachance Nové

Press secretary


[email protected]

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