The Green Party of Canada Supports ICJ’s Advisory Opinion on the Unlawful Status of the Prolonged Occupation of the Palestinian Territory by Israeli Armed Forces

July 31, 2024 at 1:02 pm  Federal, Politics

OTTAWA – The Green Party of Canada maintains its support for the right of the State of Israel to exist and its right to defend itself. The moment is precarious, with the growing risk of a wider war with Lebanon as the ongoing humanitarian disaster in Gaza continues unabated. We acknowledge the horrific loss of life that was prompted by Hamas’s illegal attack on innocent Israeli citizens on October 7, 2023. The response of Netanyahu’s administration is disproportionate. War crimes by either party, provoked or not, are still war crimes. As the deaths and atrocities continue, it is urgent that Canada work with like-minded countries to ensure a ceasefire and an end to the loss of innocent lives. 

 The situation is evolving and dangerous. Canada’s long-standing position in favor of a two-state solution requires that Canada maintain a traditional role as honest broker and peace keeper. Such requires that Canada respect international law. The recent advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice must be supported by Canada.

Quoting from that opinion, “Israel’s policies and practices are contrary to prohibition of forcible transfer of protected population under first paragraph of Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention.” The many international conventions and decisions that apply to prolonged occupation have been expertly canvassed by the International Court of Justice, and the Green Party of Canada finds the logic unassailable. Our government must respond and clearly agree with the advisory opinion. Understanding that the prolonged occupation now violates many aspects of international law is a key aspect of ending that occupation, recognizing Palestine as a state, and bringing peace to the region.

We have long called for an end to Israel’s illegal settlement activities. Settlements amount to theft of land, resources, and of territory in violation of international law.

“The ICJ’s opinion is a critical step in upholding international law and human rights”, said Leader Elizabeth May. “Israel’s continued occupation and settlement activities beyond the legal boundaries of Israel in what is known as the Occupied Territories are clear violations of international law, and it is imperative that the global community responds decisively. Just as we denounce the criminal organization Hamas, we denounce the violations of humanitarian law in the Fourth Geneva convention by the Netanyahu government. All hostages must be released, a cease fire secured and the parties to this conflict brought to peaceful resolution on an urgent basis so that humanitarian assistance can reach those in greatest need.”

“The ICJ’s advisory opinion is a challenge to the international community”, added MP Mike Morrice. “Canada has a duty to respond to these violations with the same rigor we apply to other international law breaches. “

The Green Party of Canada reaffirms its commitment to a just and peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, grounded in respect for international law and the protection of human rights. We call on the Canadian government to take immediate and concrete actions, including the imposition of sanctions and a weapons embargo, to uphold these principles and contribute to the global effort to end the unlawful occupation.


For more information or to arrange an interview : 

Fabrice Lachance Nové

Press secretary


[email protected]

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