Member of the Month – Kamloops Arts Council
Full Name: Debra Gow
Medium: My medium is mixed, acrylics are always my base. From full-bodied to liquid & inks I use them all: Pen & ink, metallic’s in paint & pen form. I sometimes finish with oils.
How long have you been doing your art: All my life, drawing since I was a child. I started my career with watercolor & inks then taught it for 20 years. I moved into acrylics when I started to paint more abstractly & intuitively. I have painted for well over 35 years.
What got you originally interested in the art you do: I got bored with realism & started to experiment with bold colours. Once I learned to just play and let it come without trying to make things perfect it just felt so right. I let the painting lead the way.
What is something you have learned about yourself through your art: To not worry about being so perfect, it will keep you tight and allow your left brain to take over. Let go, make mistakes, and experiment a lot.
What do you enjoy the most about your art: The happy place it takes me to, I paint daily. Hours can go by before I know it. I am submerged in a place of colours, texture & experimenting.
What is something most people don’t know about you: I can’t sing, I can not carry a tune whatsoever.
If you could teach everyone one art medium or method, what would it be, and why: Pencil sketching & drawing. It is quick, easy to carry and you can do it almost anywhere.
What do you think makes art important: It is important how it makes you feel, how it impacts you. Just keep painting or drawing if it makes you happy.
Why are you a member of the Kamloops Arts Council: Because I like what they do for the community. How they get young artists to be involved in the arts; I like the people who are working there to keep art going in Kamloops.
What are you looking forward to the most in this upcoming year (A special show or project you’re working on): Most likely painting for as many shows as I can. Working towards my Status with the Federation.