BC NDP MLAs say funding will build capacity of local volunteer fire departments in the Kootenays
NELSON – BC NDP MLAs Brittny Anderson and Steve Morissette say that funding announced this week will strengthen the work of local volunteer and composite fire departments to help keep people safer in emergencies.
“Volunteer firefighters have a huge impact on our communities, and I’m glad that our government understands how important they are in keeping our communities safe,” says Brittny Anderson, MLA for Kootenay-Central. “We are so fortunate to have amazing volunteer firefighters and industry experts working across the region and I am so grateful for the work they do.”
The following local fire departments are receiving funding:
· Central Kootenay Regional District, Volunteer and Composite Fire Departments Equipment and Training, $503,802
· Nakusp Volunteer Fire Department, PPE Procurement, $40,000
· Nelson Auxiliary, PPE and fire officer training, $39,864.58
· Edgewood Volunteer Fire Department, PPE and equipment upgrades and replacements, $28,562
· Burton Community Association, PPE Purpose, $40,000
· Kootenay-Boundary Regional District Fire Department, Equipment, training and live fire training facility upgrade, $134,955
“In small communities like Edgewood and Burton, volunteer firefighters are vital to keeping people safe,” said Steve Morissette, MLA for Kootenay-Monashee. “This funding is going to help these volunteer fire departments make sure they have proper equipment to support members while they work.”
Through the Community Emergency Preparedness Fund (CEPF), the provincial government is providing more than $9 million for more than 130 projects throughout B.C., supporting over 230 fire departments that are fully or partially staffed by volunteers. This funding helps fire departments conduct and expand training, buy, or replace equipment, and expand their capacity.
Since 2017, more than $26 million has been provided to volunteer and composite fire departments through the CEPF for additional equipment and training.