BC NDP MLA Tamara Davidson says funding will build capacity of local volunteer fire departments on the North Coast
HEILTSUK – BC NDP MLA Tamara Davidson says that funding announced this week will strengthen the work of local volunteer and composite fire departments to help keep people safer in emergencies.
“Volunteers are essential to rural and remote fire departments and it never ceases to amaze me the sacrifice and dedication that local people are willing to give to keep their community safe,” said Tamara Davidson, MLA for North Coast-Haida Gwaii. “This funding will help fire departments across the region with equipment, training, and more.”
The following volunteer fire departments are receiving funding:
· Heiltsuk Fire Department, Equipment supply, $40,000
· Masset Valley Fire Department, Equipment renewal and training upgrade, $39,864
· Tlell Fire Department, PPE Procurement, $40,000
· Port Alice Fire Department, SCBAs, $40,000
Through the Community Emergency Preparedness Fund (CEPF), the provincial government is providing more than $9 million for more than 130 projects throughout B.C., supporting over 230 fire departments that are fully or partially staffed by volunteers. This funding helps fire departments conduct and expand training, buy or replace equipment, and expand their capacity.
Since 2017, more than $26 million has been provided to volunteer and composite fire departments through the CEPF for additional equipment and training.