BC NDP MLA Randene Neill says funding will build capacity of local volunteer fire departments
POWELL RIVER – BC NDP MLA Randene Neill says that funding announced this week will strengthen the work of local volunteer and composite fire departments to help keep people safer in emergencies.
“Having proper equipment at hand during an emergency is incredibly important, and when you live remotely, you need to be prepared,” said Randene Neill, MLA for Powell River-Sunshine Coast. “This is welcome support for the amazing volunteers on the Coast and it’s great that our government can support volunteer fire departments across the province.”
The following fire departments have received funding:
- qathet Regional District’s Volunteer Fire Department, Equipment intake, $160,000
- Sechelt Fire Protection District, Turnout gear replacement, $40,000
- Pender Harbour Fire Protection District, Structure fire and wildfire essential equipment upgrade and training, $39,470.84
- Tla’amin Nation, $35,620
Through the Community Emergency Preparedness Fund (CEPF), the provincial government is providing more than $9 million for more than 130 projects throughout B.C., supporting over 230 fire departments that are fully or partially staffed by volunteers. This funding helps fire departments conduct and expand training, buy or replace equipment, and expand their capacity.
Since 2017, more than $26 million has been provided to volunteer and composite fire departments through the CEPF for additional equipment and training.