Green Party of Canada Congratulates Saskatchewan Greens on Strong 2024 Election Campaign
OTTAWA — The Green Party of Canada extends its warmest congratulations to the Saskatchewan Green Party for its campaign in the 2024 provincial election, gaining 1.8 % of the popular vote. The nearly full slate of 58 Green candidates, including 27 Indigenous or Métis representatives, reflects the party’s commitment to reconciliation, inclusivity, and environmental stewardship across Saskatchewan.
Thousands of dedicated volunteers worked tirelessly alongside the Saskatchewan Greens to share the party’s message of environmental protection, social justice, and responsible, transparent governance. Their efforts contributed to spreading the word about a green vision for the province, engaging citizens in the importance of sustainable policies that honor the land and people of Saskatchewan.
The Green Party of Canada also congratulates Saskatchewan Green Party Leader Naomi Hunter on her leadership throughout the campaign, which focused on issues that matter to local communities, Indigenous rights, and the well-being of future generations.
“The Saskatchewan Green Party has shown incredible dedication to building a movement rooted in inclusivity, respect for the Earth, and meaningful reconciliation,” said Elizabeth May, Leader of the Green Party of Canada. ” This representation is groundbreaking and speaks volumes about the commitment of the Saskatchewan Green Party to work hand-in-hand with Indigenous communities, supporting a vision of shared stewardship and justice.”
The Green Party of Canada is proud of the Saskatchewan Green Party’s achievements and remains dedicated to working alongside them in the fight for a healthier, more equitable future for all. The momentum from this election will continue to strengthen the Green movement across Canada as more communities embrace sustainable and inclusive policies.
For more information or to arrange an interview :
Fabrice Lachance Nové
Press secretary