Reality Check – Why is MacIntyre still the Liberal Candidate in Elmwood-Transcona? « Canada’s NDP
On June 13, 2024, Ian MacIntyre, Liberal candidate in Elmwood-Transcona, wrote a review of The Other Olympians: Facism, Queerness and the Making of Modern Sports. In it, he wrote “Sex Testing … maybe we need this for some elected officials.”
The NDP believes that, a time when Trans and LGBTQ+ folks, including athletes and kids, are facing a disturbing increase in hate and discrimination, all politicians must work hard to make Canada a safer place for LGBTQ+ people. The revelation of MacIntyre’s bizarre post comes days after the Justin Trudeau cancelled the Liberals’ participation in the Capital Pride Parade.
The NDP wants to know: Does Justin Trudeau believe this is a comment that should be coming from the keyboard of a Liberal MP? If not, MacIntyre must be removed as the Liberal candidate immediately.