BC NDP MLA Josie Osborne says grants will support local sports in the Mid-Island and Pacific Rim region
PORT ALBERNI – BC NDP MLA Josie Osborne says grants for local not-for-profits will support sports organizations so that people can stay active and healthy in the Mid-Island and Pacific Rim region.
“Non-profit sports clubs and organizations are tremendous assets to our communities, offering programs that encourage health, fitness, and social connection,” says Josie Osborne, MLA for Mid Island – Pacific Rim. “It’s fantastic to see these Cumberland and Port Alberni organizations receive Community Gaming Grant funding, which will help them continue to make a positive difference and support people of all ages in developing valuable skills and a love for sports.”
Over $76,000 in funding for five organizations in the region was distributed as part of the $25 million in Community Gaming Grants that will be shared among 736 organizations that deliver sports programs or services across BC that will improve the quality of life in their communities.
The organizations receiving funding in the Mid-Island and Pacific Rim region are:
- Coal Hills BMX Association – $10,600
- Alberni Valley Curling Club – $6,600
- Alberni Valley Minor Softball Association – $17,000
- Alberni A’s Soccer Club – $16,200
- Mount Arrowsmith Skating Club – $26,000
The Community Gaming Grants Program distributes up to $140 million worth of grants annually to not-for-profit organizations across British Columbia that improve and enrich the lives of people and communities. These include sports, arts, environmental, quality of life, and health and safety organizations. These grants help approximately 5,000 organizations to deliver ongoing programs and services in their communities.
Learn More: https://news.gov.bc.ca/31232
For a full list of recipients, visit: https://news.gov.bc.ca/files/CGG_Payments_April_Dec_2023_SportByCity.pdf