Jagmeet launches summer tour by talking dental care expansion « Canada’s NDP

June 27, 2024 at 5:30 am  Federal, Politics

TORONTO – On Thursday, the dental care program the NDP fought to secure is expanding to cover children under 18 and Canadians living with disabilities.

Having forced the Liberal government for months to deliver help like dental coverage, free birth control and diabetes medication, Singh says Liberals and Conservatives continue to stack the deck for the ultra-wealthy and that needs to change. He launched his ‘Change the rules’ tour to start conversations with Canadians about using Ottawa’s power to tip the scale in favour of hardworking people.

“No parent should have to decide between paying for their teen to get a cavity filled, or paying off the credit card bill,” said Singh. “Instead of defending Canadian families, both Justin Trudeau and Pierre Poilievre said dental care couldn’t be done. They repeatedly tried to block this support. But New Democrats refused to give up. That’s why, today, people with disabilities and children under 18 can start enrolling online and get to a dentist without worrying about the cost.”

In 2024, the Dental Care program is expected to help 4.6 million people and 9.1 million once expanded to all eligible Canadians. Despite having taxpayer-funded dental care himself, Pierre Poilievre has been clear that he will take away dental care for millions of Canadians if he gets the chance.

“We’re incredibly proud that we fought to deliver this program for Canadians, but it isn’t enough to take the pressure off everyday families,” said Singh. “That’s the problem with Trudeau’s Liberals, we have to force them to act and do it right every step of the way, otherwise, they’ll just keep rigging the system against regular people.

“If you work hard, you should be able to build a good life—to own a home, raise a family and save a little for rainy days. But Canadians are working harder than ever and keep falling behind. Every time they go to the store or open a bill, they’re getting ripped off. The truth is it’s not a fair fight. Liberals and Conservatives have created a rigged system so you pay more and more, and billionaires get richer and richer.

“This summer, New Democrats are launching our tour about protecting you from the giant corporations ripping you off, and changing the rules to lower your grocery prices and your rent.”

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