BC NDP MLAs say funding will support training for in-demand careers at North Island College
CAMPBELL RIVER – NDP MLAs Ronna-Rae Leonard and Michele Babchuk say that people will benefit from tuition-free programs to help train for high-demand post-secondary programs and meet their career goals at NIC.
“As the Comox Valley and North Island continues to welcome newcomers, we want to support them as they join our workforce and contribute their skills,” said Ronna-Rae Leonard, MLA for Courtenay-Comox. “By funding more tuition-free adult education and English language pathway courses, more people will be able to gain the skills and certifications they need to thrive in the community.”
NIC is receiving $200,000.00 of funding to offer Adult Basic Education and English Language Learning Pathways programs (ABE/ELL) in 2024/2025.
“This investment ensures that residents of North Island have better access to education that can open doors to more career opportunities in high-demand jobs,” said Michele Babchuk, MLA for North Island. “For many newcomers, English-language requirements can be a detrimental barrier to starting their life here, and I am so grateful to see programs like ABE and ELL so well supported here in the North Island.”
The Adult Basic Education and English Language Learning pathways program was launched in 2022 to provide tailored support for people who need upgrading to purse in-demand jobs. For the 2024/25 year, the Province is investing $3.5 million in one-time funding to support 22 pathways at 12 public post-secondary institutions and the Native Education College.
The pathways program sets students up for success in high-demand career programs by supporting their transition to post-secondary education and skills training. Institutions help students integrate into post-secondary life, tailor offerings to students’ target careers or disciplines, and offer career guidance and additional academic supports.
Learn More: https://news.gov.bc.ca/31124