BC NDP MLA Jennifer Rice says grant will help speed up delivery of homes in Prince Rupert
PRINCE RUPERT – BC NDP MLA Jennifer Rice says that new homes will be approved faster in Prince Rupert thanks to a grant for the local government to create a more efficient development approvals process.
“This initiative is a game-changer for housing development in B.C.,” says Jennifer Rice, MLA for North Coast. “Making sure communities like Prince Rupert have the resources they need to enhance their development approval processes helps ensure that we are meeting the housing needs of all community members.”
The City of Prince Rupert received a grant of $56,800.00 as part of the Local Government Development Approvals Program (LGPAD).
The program encourages local governments to explore innovative approaches to improve development approval processes, from the pre-application phase to the issuance of the building permit.
This year the New Democrat government is providing approximately $4.4 million for 37 local governments around B.C. to participate in this program through UBCM.
This is the second intake for LGPAD, an application-based grant fund administered by the Union of British Columbia Municipalities. To date, this program has provided approximately $19 million to help local governments implement best practices and test innovative approaches to improve development approval processes while meeting planning and policy objectives.
The program will support the government’s Homes for People action plan to unlock more homes, faster.
Learn More: https://news.gov.bc.ca/31091