Backgrounder: Canada, British Columbia, and local partners invest more than $98 million in water infrastructure improvements across the province.
Project Name
Project Details
Federal Funding
Provincial Funding
Municipal Funding
Recipient Funding
Huu-ay-aht First Nations – Anacla Water Treatment System Repair and Expansion
This project will construct a new water treatment plant, a new reservoir, rehabilitate two wells, and replace a damaged water line.
District of Barriere
Wastewater Treatment Upgrade*
This project will replace the existing aquatic-based wastewater treatment system with a conventional secondary treatment system.
Village of Canal Flats
Sewage Treatment Plant Upgrade and Flood Protection*
This project will construct a new dike, engineered to protect the Canal Flats Sewage Treatment Plant from 1-in-200 year flood flow.
City of Chilliwack
Biological Treatment Expansion – Phase 2*
This project will construct a new activated sludge treatment plant to improve wastewater treatment.
City of Cranbrook
Phillips UV Disinfection Facility
This project will construct a new water treatment facility with ultraviolet disinfection to meet provincial disinfection requirements.
City of Fort St. John
Water Recovery Facility – Phase 3
This project will integrate disc filtration into the water recovery facility to expand the potential uses of the recycled water produced by the facility.
District of Invermere
Climate Change Mitigation and Flooding/Stormwater Management Improvements
This project will construct two new culverts to improve stormwater conveyance and fish passage.
District of Kitimat
Community Water System Upgrade
This project will upgrade water treatment by integrating new infrastructure into the existing water treatment plant.
Town of Ladysmith
Holland Lake Dam Expansion*
This project will expand the storage capacity of Holland Lake to improve the drinking water supply.
Regional Municipality of Northern Rockies
Toad River Water Supply Phase 2
This project will construct water pumping and treatment infrastructure at the new Community Hall well to provide and distribute reliable, potable water.
qathet Regional District
Lund Water System Renewal*
This project will construct a new water treatment plant, a new water supply reservoir, and a new intake and pumphouse.
Town of Smithers
Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade
This project will upgrade the wastewater treatment plant with filtration and ultraviolet disinfection systems.
Township of Spallumcheen
Water System Conversions and Infrastructure Improvements Phase 2*
This project will upgrade water lines to improve drinking water services and fire protection in various areas.
Sun Peaks Mountain Resort Municipality
Municipal Water Supply Line
This project will construct a 3.4 km water supply line from the new water supply reservoir to the water treatment plant.