Richmond seafood processing company fined $40,000 for undersized crabs
February 20, 2024
Richmond, BC – A routine inspection of commercial seafood processing plants by Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) fishery officers in January 2023 resulted in a fine of $40,000. On December 6, 2023, Tenshi Seafood Limited was handed down the fine in Richmond Provincial Court after pleading guilty to the possession of undersize crabs by a commercial business, which is a violation of Canada’s Fisheries Act.
The harvest of undersized crab is the largest threat to conservation of Dungeness crab stocks, which is a traditional food source for Indigenous communities and core to the livelihood of commercial crab harvesters. Dungeness crab is also a significant economic benefit to coastal communities; specifically, the recreational fishery industry and tourism.
This is the second significant fine for Tenshi Seafood Limited, which was also fined $75,000 in January 2020 for obstruction and ordered to comply with various conditions.
DFO has a mandate to protect and conserve marine resources and to enforce the Fisheries Act. As part of DFO’s work to disrupt and prevent illegal activity, the Department asks the public for information on activities of this nature or any contravention of the Fisheries Act and regulations. Anyone with information can call DFO Pacific region’s toll-free violation reporting line at 1-800-465-4336, or email the details to DFO.ORR-ONS.MPO@dfo-mpo.gc.ca.