NDP MLA says investment in tourism project at Vedder River Campground will boost local economy
CHILLIWACK– New Democrat MLA Kelli Paddon says the provincial government’s support for a tourism project at the Vedder River Campground will bring more visitors to the community and strengthen the local economy.
“Having great campgrounds around brings people from all over the world to this area who love to eat, shop and recreate in this beautiful corner of the province,” said Kelli Paddon, MLA for Chilliwack-Kent. “The Vedder River Campground is a great place to make memories, and I’m glad that we’re supporting with the addition of new serviced sites, increased accessibility and improving public WiFi!”
The Vedder River Campground is receiving $483,500 for infrastructure upgrades for existing serviced sites, adding new serviced sites, and improving customer amenities including public Wi-Fi, recreation, and accessible washroom and shower facilities.
Across the province, thirty-one projects are benefitting from one-time Destination Development grant funding, which aims to make communities competitive destinations for tourism and strengthen local economies. Since 2022, the province has invested $60m in the Fund, to help continue to rebuild tourism levels to pre-2020 numbers by 2024. In its first year, the Fund supported 90 projects in B.C. communities.
These projects have been selected for funding as they demonstrate tourism benefits to communities, including sustainability, accessibility, and economic benefit. These projects are future-thinking and will support communities for years to come, supporting the Province’s CleanBC Plan and Climate Preparedness Adaptation Strategy.
Learn more and find a list of projects at: https://news.gov.bc.ca/releases/2023TACS0050-001668